Toxic Microplastics in the Body

You may understand that most plastics don’t biodegrade, and once they are made, they stick around almost forever. Instead, they break down and become much more deadly. Microplastics.

Microplastics Definition

Most people don’t know that while plastic doesn’t biodegrade, it DOES break down into smaller and smaller pieces. From a bottle to little flakes to microscopic particles floating in the air, there is a LOT of plastic. Countless single-use plastic items have been mass-produced for over 50 years, and it all eventually breaks down into tiny pieces, no matter where it ends up.

Microplastics in Humans

Tiny Microplastics can be found EVERYWHERE on earth. Is it possible to avoid microplastics? Studies have found these toxic particles in humans. Microplastics are in the food they are in the tap water, the air that we breathe. Even entering the ocean the deep sea. Floating plastic has been found at the bottom of the deepest parts of the ocean including in fish. And the scary part is that science has NO IDEA how harmful it is.

These issues, while affecting everybody, are top of mind for those in Hawaii and California. Microplastics in the ocean. The great pacific garbage patch microplastics flowing on the ocean surface are a huge problem for ocean cleanup.

Do we consume microplastics?

There are two ways that microplastics can enter our bodies: eating and breathing. (and we aren’t stopping those anytime soon!). Microplastics have been found deep within the cells of people.

These tiny particles accumulate over time and cause large amounts of damage, not just to your body but also to your children. Microplastics cause death to important cells in our body. They can increase allergic reactions, and they also affect hormones.

I noticed this effect not too long ago when I saw a video of highschool students from the 90s. Comparing the average teenager to one today, it’s easy to see how much more mature they look. Over time, primary microplastics are causing disruptions in hormones of younger and younger people.

Disrupted balances in hormones lead to a wide variety of ailments. from mood disruptions and weight gain to lower Energy. and in our kids, they may even be having adverse effects on puberty and brain development!

Microplastics in the placenta

Even babies have microplastics. With younger and younger people growing up with exposure, it is no wonder why people are waking up as to why these are bad.

One scary thought is that the number of people in old age with Dementia and Alzheimers is increasing rapidly. Likely, these horrible diseases are also caused by the accumulation of microplastics in the brain. This is a matter of great importance to anyone.

If there is even a small chance to prolong the golden years of aging parents, isn’t it worth looking into? Anyone who had lost a loved one understands the pain and hardship these awful diseases cause. People are waking up as to why microplastics are bad.

My hope with starting this website is that people will realize the danger sooner rather than later. It’s not too late to start reducing your exposure and taking action to cleanse yourself of these toxins.

Silent Spring

You may have heard about the famous book “silent spring,” which outlined the harmful effects of DDT. The book’s thesis was that, while DDT is not typically dangerous to humans, its use of it against insects caused levels to accumulate in the bugs, plants, grains, and small animals.

Larger animals, that eat these smaller animals, over time accumulate large levels of DDT. Microplastics in fish are a good example. It’s easy for shrimp, plankton, and small animals to eat these microscopic particles. Humans that eat this seafood, consume sea salt and any other contaminated food then did begin to have harmful effects on people. It’s easy to see how microplastics in water accumulate in humans, and can even trigger immune responses.

The world is starting to wake up to the levels of toxic microplastics that have accumulated over the decades. Yet it is not fast enough. We need to take action in order to protect ourselves and our families from the hidden dangers of Microplastics. Check out the blog to learn more!

A recent scientific study

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