Generational Trauma – Why are Microplastics Bad?

It is absolutely INSANE how hardly anybody is talking about this. Is it possible to avoid Microplastics?

Let’s start off with some stats.

Since the 1970s. The average male sperm count is DOWN 70%

During the same timeframe, male testosterone levels are HALF what they used to be. To put this in perspective, an average 20-year-old man today will typically have as much testosterone as a 60-year-old man in the 2000s – That’s how fast this is happening!

Since 1980, testosterone levels have decreased on average 1% per year and show no signs of slowing down.

In the 1950s – less than 10% of people were obese. Now, that number is 30% with over 73% of people being Overweight.

Instances of diabetes have INCREASED BY 700% With the vast majority of people being considered “medically unhealthy”

Microplastics are a significant contributor to ALL of the above.

Despite significant evidence of the danger of bioaccumulation of Microplastics and Nanoplastics, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and many governments around the world have little to no regulations on these toxic chemicals. And because of this lack of care for human health, Microplastics are now present everywhere – In the air, our food, even in everyday tap water.

See for yourself

I often watch old movies. Whenever there is a scene or a movie about being in high school, have you ever noticed how old the kids look? I had always thought that it was because the actors were older. Yet I am not sure if that is the case anymore.

A friend recently sent me a home video taken by some kids in the 90s. Take a look at these screenshots and tell me that these teenagers don’t look like they are in their late 20s.

Hormones have a huge impact on aging and the Microplastics that have accumulated in the world for at least the past 50 years are having higher and higher impacts on our hormones and bodies.

Hormones’ impact is so much more than just aging. They impact our mental health, natural fat production, moods, and even our fertility.

Now, microplastics have been found even in the placenta, affecting our children even earlier than ever before! That is, of course, if you are actually able to get pregnant – as long as testosterone and male sperm counts keep decreasing, the declining birth rate shows that it will just become harder and harder if we do not take action.

Impacts on the body

A cousin of mine has had a weight problem for about 20 years now. She tried everything over the years. Switching up doctors, different diets, exercise. It seemed like nothing was ever going to work.

One day she happened to switch to a new doctor who ran a number of tests on her hormone levels. Something that none of her doctors before had done.

When the results came in, she started taking some hormone-supporting supplements and vitamins and minerals that she was missing. It was incredible, suddenly after all those years she started feeling better and started to lose weight.

This is typical of the medical system. Often doctors will mean well, but will only look at the symptoms and not the causes. It’s the overall culture of medicine.

Think about it, healthcare has become so much more advanced in the last 100 years, yet more people are unhealthy than ever before. if the system worked, we would be seeing people being healthier over time. This is not the case.

What can you do?

Start to get rid of as many polyester or synthetic clothes as you can. – This one is tough! However, studies show that microplastics become more concentrated indoors.

A big cause of this is machine washing. Washing and drying your clothes wear them down over time. Clothes that are made from plastic or synthetic materials will release toxic fibers into the air!

Vacuum often, use air filters, and keep windows open to reduce toxin buildup indoors.

Be mindful of plastics in your life, especially if they are exposed to heat. One huge mistake I see new mothers make is using plastic baby bottles! Heat wears down plastic, so when you are putting any warm (or even cold) liquid into a baby bottle, you are exposing your baby directly to toxins.

This goes for plastic cups or other kitchen tools. Even if you aren’t using them often, if you put them into the dishwasher, they are still being exposed to high heat.

Remove food from plastic packaging and store in glass or metal containers (plus they look better in the kitchen!)

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